Sorry for any delays. We are very busy at the moment and trying to work through our backlog of email/design requests as fast as possible. -- We stand behind the quality of our decals but this ain't no book club. Stripes/skins are printed/cut to order custom jobs and sales are final.

Cool Trucker Rando Sticker 6-Pack

We give away these random stickers with every order. But some people they just want the little stickers, so here you go, at least 10 random stickers in every pack.

These stickers are all made in quality 5-7+ year 3M vehicle grade wrap vinyl that will remove cleanly with heat. They range in size from 3 - 6 inches long or tall and are mostly cool custom truck pics or funny bumper/beer fridge stickers.

These stickers change all the time. We've got a big bin of them and come up with new dumb jokes all the time. No 2 packs will be the same, we always give a couple extra.

Regular price $20.00 CAD